Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Being Rrrrrrrrrraaaannnnndommmm....like always :|

I hate this . This feeling .

Early yesterday morning , a friend called me and yes , i don't even remember because i get back to sleep right after that . I totally don't remember what we talked about . I hope there's nothing ..............weird........

Nope . I don't think so .

Anyway , i always want to share a dream . A dream where an old friend of mine posted on ma fb and say 'Hi' and he went on sharing his stories while he was on hiatus . Kot . Hiatus with me je la , i think . Yeah positive , with ME ONLY . emo emo emo , i hate myself !

I guess i miss him that much ey . Yeap , it's HIM .

pssst , going to check my inbox again . or my notification . Please make my wish come true !

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